Monday 13 February 2012

Valentines... It's better to be single.

Before I go to sleep... can I just a quick message about VALENTINES? 

Of course, I can it's my blog remember? 
Anyways, Here I go.. 

It doesn't matter if you are in a relationship or not. What matters is that someone is there to love you no matter what, and be there for you whenever you're in need. I am not saying this because, I'm in love? 
Seriously... plus, you don't have to be so dramatic about your past. Just live and enjoy your life. 
Be happy that you're still here, breathing and you are surround with you love ones :) 

You can be happy with or without a partner. So, what are you waiting for? 

STOP telling me that you are going to spend your valentines day with Food because it doesn't complain.
Then, start going out there and show them that you are proud of being SINGLE! who cares if your not in a relationship.... if you want, BE SINGLE, STAY SINGLE.  

Just wanna Greet everybody a HAPPY VALENTINES ! Forever Alone </3 |14| 


  1. YAY FOR BEING SINGLE! being in a relationship is hard work and a waste of precious "happy" bonding with friends time haha! :D Happy single valentines day Moniques even though this is late.. doesn't hurt to be here than never :))))
