Friday 10 February 2012

Week 1: The day Lee farewells, and so on and so forth...


Let me tell you how we started... 

We all walked going to ATC and crossed. HAHA :) 
Jason went first, then Jerry and Robin went second 
 Me, Jf, Tim, Gino, and John went third 
the rest was behind. 

So, we reached the McDonalds
We five happened to passed by this two guys.... 

However, we decided not to care but then, 
Tim and Jf suddenly realized something with the two guys... 







LMFAO. hahahahaha :)) 
So, we all realized now that they do!! 
But Jf, Tim and I now couldn't stop glancing at both of them ! 
So, when the others who were behind, were almost near
We continued to walk... but we were behind the two guys 
Then, Tim was like : "what if I start singing the party rock song? hahah :)) "
So, Jf and I started laughing :D 
While, we were walking going down the stairs, Tim did sang it! 
and hahahaha !! :)) the worst part was that the curly long haired guy looked back! 
and all of us, was like: "O.o wtf. hahahha :) "

The two guys somehow look like the LMFAO but then the curly short-haired was straight but then the small guy was almost the same as LMFAO. hahaha :D 
It was such a laughtrip when the short guy looked :P 

Yesterday was Lee's last Goodbye... 
We ate at Amici and there We celebrated Lee's Goodbye Party and Hanmi's. 
It was so emotional how Lee started slowly crying and there we also ate and shared so 
much laughter with each other. 
It was the first time that Gr. 9 went to the mall together 
We were somehow COMPLETE! 
And Lee had his moment of happiness being with us and, it will not be forgotten. 
And we shared meal with our friends and had fun steeling shots from 
Ms. Mae, hahaha! :) It was hilarious and we were so noisy in Amici 
that We think everybody was looking at us, and was wondering why are we so noisy... HAHA 
We also had this "initiation" that the Grade 9 do whenever we eat together and all... 
hahaha :) 
The combination of: Ice tea, salt and pepper, cheese and TOBASCO SAUCE! 
dang, Me and Mika couldn't take how spicy it was. 
The tobasco made Mika's lips and gums numb and mine was my tongue. haha 
We also had a dare of tasting the tobasco sauce using a knife.... ? because there was no spoon! 

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